Online Marketing Strategies to Boost Online Sales in 2018?

Set up an online (marketing) strategy, how do you do that? A common mistake is that only one small part of online marketing is looked at: How do I get as many people as possible on my website. Visitors on the website are of course very important, but what you do with these visitors is just as important! A complete online strategy ensures that you can convert website visitors into loyal and paying customers. To set up an online marketing strategy we use the following steps:
One goal could be for example: In 2017 I want to get 40% more revenue from my website compared to 2016. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to set up a plan at strategic level that gives direction to your marketing activities. This strategy keeps you on track and ensures that you keep an overview of all the practical resources that you will use.

Other examples of (sub) goals for your online activities can be:

•           Collecting 15 new customers each month via the internet;
•           100 new subscriptions to my newsletter via my website;
•           Reduce my advertising costs by 15% in 2017;
•           My website visit is growing by 10% every month.

Strategy: A complete online marketing strategy with the SALE formula

The SALE formula is a model that helps to set up an online marketing strategy for your company. Every company in every sector can apply this strategy, because it is adaptable for every target group! A complete strategy for all your online activities consists of 4 phases:

Seduce - Seduce the target group

In this phase, searching internet users are tempted to your website via various channels. It is important to be present there, where your target group is located. With seductive texts, images or videos you grab the attention of your target group and make sure you stand out among the competition.

Activate - Activate visitors

When you generate visitors in the Seduce phase, it is important that your website converts these sales into leads. The vast majority (96%) of your visitors is not immediately ready to buy or enter into a contract. In the Activate phase it is all about collecting data from visitors, so that you can approach them again later. You have to think of for example an e-mail address or telephone number.

Liberate - Liberate leads of objections

During the purchase process it is very important to stay in the picture with a lead. Often leads are full of doubts about the added value of the product or service and they doubt between the different providers. In this phase you approach the leads with relevant messages to remove these doubts and convince them to choose your company. With the previously collected data you are able to segment leads and automatically send personalized messages! Leads that have shown an interest in product A, you approach with messages and arguments about product A. Leads interested in product B, show your messages about product B.

Engage - Connect customers to the brand

Existing customers must be cherished, because they are leads that can be stimulated for repeat purchases. To build a file with loyal customers, it is important to remain in contact after a purchase has been made. With relevant content you provide customers with updates, help and information that ensures that your company stays in the picture with the customer. With conversion-oriented campaigns, you ensure that customers make a purchase with you again, by making them an offer.


Resources at your disposal for a successful online strategy To implement your marketing strategy and achieve your goals, you have many resources at your disposal. In order to set up a successful online strategy, it is very important that every phase is represented by the right resources. 

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